
The Participant Portal is accessed by registered members via their smartphone, tablet, and home computers. The application is used by the member to view up-to-the moment information that is stored in TRUSTpartner. It also supports the ability for members to update certain kinds of information when such functionality is permitted by the administrator. Members can self-register, eliminating the need for the fund office to perform this function. Of course, the portal reduces the number of calls that are placed to the call center each day. When necessary, the administrator has the ability to see what the member is seeing, and can perform tasks such as changing passwords, activating/inactivating members, re-sending registration email, etc.

Participant Portal Features

Participant has access to the following personal information:

  • Demographics

  • Family members

  • Work history

  • Healthcare eligibility

  • Retiree payments history

  • Vacation and Annuity balances

  • Pension application tracking

  • Documents, such as pension payment vouchers, pension statements, etc.

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